Collectively bringing an end to conversion practices

Did you see the article in The Advertiser on our amazing board member, Jace Reh and their experience of surviving conversion practices in a small country town in South Australia? You can check it out on our Conversion Practices page, where you can also download a copy of our petition and collect signatures for us, so that we can collectively persuade the South Australian parliament to act on this issue. We need to get 10,000 signatures (in hardcopy format) to ensure that parliament will discuss our proposal, which is pretty simple: We call for the South Australian Government to bring an end to conversion practices in South Australia in 2024, with formal public consultation to be undertaken prior to the development of proposed legislation. 

We have also produced a flyer that helps explain what conversion practices is, for those in the broader community that are unaware of the practice or didn’t realise that it was still being undertaken in South Australia. If you would like to help out with this but don’t have access to a printer, get in touch by emailing – tell us how many signatures you can get, and we will send you the requisite number of petitions and a stamped, self addressed envelope so that we can work together to get this done. 

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