
Thank you for considering giving a donation or gift to SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance.

SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance (SARAA) (ABN: 34 254 826 976) is a charity endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient.

Donations of $2 or more to SARAA are tax deductible in Australia.

Online donations

Direct debit

If you prefer not to donate online, you can make one-off donations by direct debit into our bank account.

Account name: SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance
BSB: 035-039
Account number: 463467
Reference: Please label the donation reference with the prefix DON followed by your name - eg DONJohnSmith.

Other Forms of Sponsorship

SARAA gratefully accepts any other form of donation or in-kind support that you may offer. This could include:

  • sponsoring our organisation, an event or a special project
  • fundraising for us
  • leaving a gift or charitable bequest in your will.

SARAA is currently looking for possible business sponsors:

  • With a venue in the CBD that could be used to hold a members meeting on a weekday evening, 4 times per year with capacity of up to 50 people.
  • Non-alcoholic drink sponsor to supply drinks for up to 50 people 4 member events during the year. 
  • Either a fast food or supermarket sponsor to supply light meals or finger food for up to 50 people, for 2 or 4 member events during the year.
  • Event sponsors for some of our significant LGBTIQA+ events during the year including IDAHOBIT 17th May, Ian Purcell Oration as part of Adelaide Feast Festival in November, 
  • Sponsor equipment hire (PA, generator, flat bed truck) for Adelaide Pride March, end October with the sponsor business marching together with the charity. 
  • Pride product or service collaboration, creating a pride product for Pride month or another major LGBTIQA+ event with proceeds going towards a charity like SARAA. 
  • Create your fundraising event as part of an LGBTIQA+ significant day during the year with funds going to a charity like SARAA.

Please contact us for more information on any of the above opportunities.

Tax deductible donations

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