Everyone deserves to live, work and study without fear of discrimination or harm.
Yet, loopholes in our law continues to allow religious organisations to discriminate against LGBTIQA+ people in who they hire and serve in education, health, housing and other essential services.
Being LGBTIQA+ doesn't stop a person from being a great teacher or from needing essential community services, so why should our state laws?
Closing loopholes in our anti-discrimination laws that allow religious institutions to fire, not hire and discriminate against us in education, health and community services was the second most important issue to LGBTIQA+ South Australians who took our Vision for SA Pride 2030 survey with 85% of participants rating this as extremely or very important.
We know that 75% of LGBTIQA+ young people in Australia will experience harassment because of their identity. This has devastating consequences for the mental health of our LGBTIQA+ young people, with LGBTIQA+ teens experiencing suicidal ideation at a rate more than five times higher than non-LGBTIQA+ people in this age group.
When our laws allow religious schools to tell LGBTIQA+ young people that it’s not OK to be themselves, we allow the mental health of our young people to suffer.
With LGBTIQA+ South Australians continuing to face discrimination on a daily basis, we need to protect the equality and safety of LGBTIQA+ people under South Australian law.

What's happening on this issue?
Religious exemptions in SA Parliament Question Time
On 17 November 2022 Rob Simms MLC asked for an update on progress of draft amendments to the Equal Opportunity […]
Submission: SALRI’s Review of Exceptions to Equal Opportunity Law
In February 2016, the South Australian Law Reform Institute’s (SALRI) identified the laws and regulations in South Australia that discriminate […]
SA Parliamentary motion in support of IDAHOBIT
We thank the Hon. Ian Hunter MLC (Labor) for moving a motion for SA Parliament to recognises International Day Against […]
Submission: Draft Equal Opportunity (Religious Bodies) Amendment Bill 2020
In November 2020, the then Liberal government released a draft Bill proposing to make it clear that some essential service […]