Who we are

SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance is a community of South Australians working toward an LGBTIQA+ inclusive, healthy and safe South Australia. We work in 3 ways:

1. Advocacy

We advocate for decision-makers to make evidence based policy changes to improve LGBTIQA+ health, safety and inclusion.

2. Community

We connect LGBTIQA+ communities to take action on issues that matter to us. Our goal is to ensure our advocacy is led by our lived experiences, because this is when we’re most powerful.

3. Awareness

We raise awareness of LGBTIQA+ experiences in the broader community to make South Australia a more inclusive State.

Our Vision

LGBTIQA+ South Australians are healthy, safe, respected and equal.

Our Purpose

Building a community of South Australians to advocate for LGBTIQA+ health, wellbeing, inclusion and rights.

Our Values


We’re working towards to a vision of justice and a fairer world for everyone. We seek equitable outcomes for all LGBTIQA+ people in society.

Lived experience

Our advocacy is more powerful when it’s fuelled by our lived experience. We’re led by LGBTIQA+ South Australians and amplify the diverse voices of our communities.


We’re stronger when we work together and collaborate openly with individuals and organisations who support our mission. We share our skills and capacities to secure the best outcomes for our communities.

Equity and accessibility

We celebrate our diverse communities and create spaces where everyone thrives regardless of who they are. Racism, ableism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism and discrimination have no place in our communities.

Integrity and impartiality

We act openly, honestly, respectfully and transparently. We’re political, but non-partisan and don’t align with any particular political parties.


We support each other and show care through connection, trust and supportive relationships. We’re in this for the long haul, so we celebrate wins along the way.

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