South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance Inc. is a charity registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
You can find information about our charity on the ACNC’s Charity Portal including our Constitution, Annual Information Statements and Financial Reports.
Strategic plan
SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance’s Strategic Plan 2021-23 sets out 3 strategic priorities for SARAA.
Advocate for LGBTIQA+ health and rights
- Work with governments, decision-makers, partner organisations and our community, to advocate for law and policy reform
- Provide proactive and reactive policy advice to to improve the health and rights of LGBTIQA+ people.
- Develop a public policy platform articulating our advocacy priorities.
- Engage and empower LGBTIQA+ communities and allies.
- Engage traditional media outlets to raise awareness of LGBTIQA+ health and rights.
Build our community
- Establish an LGBTIQA+ Community Advisory Group to ensure community voices inform South Australian law, policy and program planning.
- Create spaces and opportunities for LGBTIQA+ communities to discuss issues that matter to them.
- Strengthen our engagement with LGBTIQA+ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and culturally diverse communities.
- Grow our digital communities.
- Continue to work in partnership with other LGBTIQA+ organisations and allies.
- Explore a membership based model.
- Regularly communicate our work to our supporters.
Develop our governance and sustainability
- Secure grant income and explore other revenue sources.
- Explore the option of registering for charity and DGR status with the ACNC.
- Ensure our Board is appropriately skilled to lead SARAA.
- Develop frameworks that enable us to measure and demonstrate our impact.
- Develop organisational policies and procedures that support us to practice good governance.