If there’s an issue that impacts LGBTIQA+ South Australians on a systemic level, we want to hear from you! Please note that SARAA staff work Monday to Thursday – not Fridays.
If you’re looking for individual help or support, check out the Rainbow Directory SA for services that may be able to assist.
To contact us you can either:
- email us at info@saraa.org.au
call or text Brett on 0401 802 391 Monday – Thursday
- message us on Facebook
- fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
Please remember we’re a volunteer run organisation with only one part time paid staff member. We’ll do our best to get in contact with you as soon as possible, but it may take us some time!
If you are looking for a speaker for an event or for some assistance with with making your business or organisation more LGBTIQA+ friendly, please check out our speaker and consultation fees here.
Get in touch!