It is great to see many businesses, organisations and community groups recognising LGBTIQA+ days of significance like IDAHOBIT, Pride Month (June) or Wear it Purple. Although visibility and awareness is very important, taking steps to be a proactive ally demonstrates your organisation is serious about diversity and inclusion, recognising that these create a better world for all to live, work and thrive.

Here are some tips that can be actioned to enact real change in your workplace or organisation:
- Using pronouns in your organisation. A very simple step allies can take that demonstrate to all LGBTIQA+ people that they are safe to be themselves around you. This can be done on a name tag, added in your email signature or used to introduce yourself to others.
- Encourage people to familiarise themselves with how to be an active ally. Here are some useful resources for your organisation to start with.
- If your workplace or organisation has the capacity, set up a diversity and inclusion practice. This could include a diversity and inclusion officer or creating a rainbow group or committee that looks at ways the organisation can be a safer place for LGBTIQA+ people.
- Include diversity training as part of your induction process for volunteers or employees.
- Gain Rainbow Tick Accreditation. This program reassures your LGBTIQA+ consumers and staff that your organisation is aware, responsive and understanding of their needs.
- If you are a council or business with a flag pole, consider raising the Inclusive Progress Pride Flagon days of significance like May 17 IDAHOBIT Day or during November (Pridevember) signifying Feast Adelaide Queer Arts and Cultural Festival.
- demonstrate you are an active ally by becoming a SARAA Organisation Member
- Consider raising funds or making a donation to an LGBTIQA+ charity such as SARAA .
- If you require specific help or guidance with a project or policy, please contact us here.