Research on and by our community

Rainbow Realities report released

The Rainbow Realities report was commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care to inform development of the 10-year LGBTIQA+ Health and Wellbeing Action Plan.

It reflects the commitment of the Australian Government to ensure the needs and experiences of LGBTIQA+ people are carefully considered in the development of the Action Plan. This report represents one component of the national consultation process, which also includes engagement of an Expert Advisory Group, a report on LGBTIQA+ inclusion within State, Territory, Commonwealth and Public Health Network strategies and action plans, an examination of perceptions on primary care provision for LGBTIQA+ communities and other targeted consultation activities.

Rainbow Realities provides a synthesis of preexisting findings as well as more than 50 new analyses derived from the data of six surveys of LGBTQA+ populations in Australia:

  • Private Lives 3
  • Writing Themselves In 4
  • Trans Pathways
  • Walkern Katatdjin (Rainbow Knowledge)
  • Pride and Pandemic

Click on the image below to access the report in full.

LGBTQA+ Mental Health and Suicidality: South Australia (SA) Briefing Paper

This briefing paper documents the rates and associations of mental health and suicidality for LGBTQA+ community members in South Australia based on data from three major surveys of LGBTQA+ health and wellbeing - Private Lives 3Writing Themselves In 4, and Pride and Pandemic - bringing together findings in a clear, easy-to-use format, broken down on a state-by-state basis.

It focuses on state level rates of suicidality, mental ill-health, healthcare service access and modalities, risk factors such as discrimination and harassment experiences, and protective factors such as community- and school-based belonging. Each report also documents the association between these factors and levels of suicidality.

Click on the image below to access the report in full.

From time to time, SARAA is contacted by organisations conducting research on or for the LGBTIQA+ communities in a myriad of ways. We are a small organisation so are unable to reach out regarding each individual piece of research, however we will endeavour to keep this page updated with opportunities for members of our commuity to be included in this research when they are interested and able to do so.

Please email if you are conducting research that is relevant ot our communities and would like us to place information on this page for our community to be able to reach out to you to get involved.

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