Better Together 2023 Scholarship Program

Scholaships to attend the 2023 Better Together Conference are now exhausted.

SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance were proud to be able to offer 100 scholarships to help LGBTIQA+ South Australians to attend The Equality Project’s 2023 Better Together Conference.

Scholarship Applications have NOW CLOSED!!

Better Together is the national LGBTIQA+ conference in Australia. Hosted by The Equality Project, it exists to facilitate a conversation about LGBTIQA+ rights in Australia and provide a platform to share ideas and experiences and build bridges between our diverse communities.

Regional accessibility

SARAA proactively targeted regional South Australians in promoting the conference, for example by posting Facebook ads targeted to regional areas and promoting the event via regionally based community groups.

7 participants from regional SA attended the conference as a result of SARAA’s sponsorship and utilised travel and accommodation subsidies.

Promotion of SARAA’s work

SARAA had a strong presence at the conference, presenting at sessions; attending sector wide meetings; and promoting SARAA’s work at our exhibition stall.

A number of SARAA team members presented at the conference including:

  • Brett McAloney (Community Engagement Employee) Co-Facilitated ‘South Australian LGBTIQA+ Organisations Coming Together Better’.
  • Leeann Friday (Board Member) Presenting on the Opening Plenary as an Asexual representative.
  • Holley Skene (Board Member) Co-presenting on ’10 Years of Rainbow Tick’.
  • Leeann Friday (Board Member) Co-presenting on ‘Aces Plenary’.
  • Varo (Board Chair) Presenting on ‘From Vision to votes: Putting Pride in the SA Election’.

Leeann Friday (Board Member) and Holley Skene (Board Member) also attended the Pre-Conference, LGBTIQA+ Leaders Summit the day before the conference.

SARAA hosted an exhibition stall at the conference to promote it’s work. 

The stall was regularly visited by attendees throughout the conference and resulted in greater awareness of and interest in SARAA’s work. 

Photos of 2023 Better Together Conference

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