In September 2021, the Attorney-General’s Department proposed a draft Criminal Law Consolidation (Abusive Behaviour) Amendment Bill 2021 to strengthen domestic violence laws by criminalising coercive and controlling behaviour against current or former intimate partners. This would create new criminal offences with maximum…
SA Govt releases guide on collecting data about gender
LGBTIQA+ people, especially trans and gender diverse people, are often not counted in government statistics and our identities aren’t respected when we access government services. Even our latest 2021 Census failed to properly collect crucial data about LGBTIQA+ communities. This…
Parliament passes LGBTIQ inclusion motion
Last week SA Parliament’s Legislative Council passed a motion recognising the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). Here’s a summary of the discussions and our take. Hold on – it’s a long one! Members spoke about the…
Happy Wear It Purple Day!
On 27 August SARAA joined South Australians in celebrating Wear It Purple Day, a day to celebrate and recognise LGBTIQA+ young people. LGBTIQA+ young people experience bullying, harassment and poor mental health at much higher rates than their non-LGBTIQA+ peers.…
Hate Crimes Bill passes Upper House
Last year during the push to abolish the outdated ‘gay panic’ defence, 38,292 people signed our petition with Equality Australia calling for stronger protections against hate crimes for all marginalised South Australians. We’re pleased that a Bill passed through…