Call for Action – Gender Affirming Care

Copy of Trans Awareness Week

It is with some disappointment that we note, some South Australian parliamentarians continue to prosecute harmful ideas. The latest of these attacks is an ill advised suggestion from the Hon Frank Pangallo to set up a Select Committee to inquire into and report on young people seeking assistance for gender dysphoria in South Australia and related matters.

The South Australian Rainbow Advocacy Alliance rejects the assertion that such an inquiry is needed. The Australian Standards of care and treatment of trans and gender diverse adolescents is a robust set of guidelines designed to ensure that appropriate care is provided in a way that involves parents and legal guardians, legal representatives as well as recipients of care in the decision making process. There are strict criteria in place for adolescents seeking access to puberty blockers and or hormones.

If passed, SARAA believe that this Committee will provide a platform to amplify dangerous and false narratives regarding the impacts of gender affirming care for gender diverse youth, which may disempower them and propose recommendations which would roll back the protections for gender diverse youth which our community has long fought for within our legal, medical and education systems.

Sign out petition NOW asking our Government to reject this motion.

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