Ahead of the 2022 SA Election, we urged South Australian leaders from across the political spectrum to commit to our Vision for SA Pride 2030 to create a healthy, safe and inclusive community for LGBTIQA+ South Australians.
Our 2022 SA Election LGBTIQA+ Policy scorecard is our independent assessment of parties’ policies relating to LGBTIQA+ communities.
You can also read the responses we received from politicial parties in relation to our Vision for SA Pride 2030 below.
Committments from the incoming Government
On 8 February 2022 and 23 February 2022, we received a response from SA Labor Leader Peter Malinauskas regarding our Vision for SA Pride 2030. Below is a summary of the key commitments made by the incoming Government.
Conversion practices
Labor is fundamentally opposed to the practice of conversion therapy which tries to change someone’s sexual orientation or gender identity and if elected, will work to ensure this practice does not occur in South Australia.
Make health and community services safer
Labor will strive to make our public health and community services safer and more inclusive for LGBTIQA+ people.
LGBTIQA+ community-controlled services
Labor reognises LGBTIQA+ services work best when they are community-led and owned. We have a strong track record of supporting LGBTIQA+ community-conttrolled services and organisations and look forward to continuing to strengthening this support under a Malinauskas Labor Government.
Gender affirming care
Labor supports improved access to healthcare for trans and gender diverse South Australians. We condemn the Marshall Liberal Government’s inaction in response to SARAA and Transcend SA’s continued advocacy to improve awareness of, and access to, these services in South Australia – despite the clear recommendations of doctors.
Inclusive sexual health services
Labor stood with SARAA when the Marshall Liberal Government cruelly cut funding to SHINE SA – forcing the organisation to shut down sexual health services at Noarluna and Daveron Park. These cuts were a cruel blow that disproportionately impacted the LGBTIQA+ community. Labor believes in maintaining inclusive and affirming sexual health services as an essential element of preventative and primary health care.
Mental health
There needs to be urgent intervention and investment in the ever-increasing issues around youth mental health. This is why I announced that a Malinauskas Labor Government will provide $50 million for additional mental health support in schools. Our commitment will deliver better mental health support for young South Australians.
If elected we will work with the Department for Education to identify ways in which appropriate training on LGBTIQA+ issues can be provided to those mental health workers.
At the time of writing this response the Marshall Liberal Government has suddenly closed 30 mental health beds, right at a time when South Australia is grappling with a mental health crisis. 15 beds at the Queenstown Western Immediate Care Centre have been closed, and 15 beds at the Noarlunga Southern Intermediate Care Centre. Labor is committed to ensuring every single South Australian has access to the mental health support they need.
Students and educators
Labor will provide better support for and inclusion of LGBTIQA+ students and resources for teachers and leaders supporting them.
Intersex human rights
Labor opposes forced medical interventions without the consent of patients. If elected, we will work with SA Health to review the recommendations of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s Ensuring health and bodily integrity report. Noting that many of the recommendations of this report propose national changes, a state Labor government will work with Health Ministers across the country on these issues.
Representation in public policy
Labor will improve the representation of LGBTIQA+ communities in government strategies and services.
Labor will count identities accurately when collecting data and statistics.
If we win government following the March election, we will commit $20,000 per year over 4 years to a LGBTIQA+ Taskforce to address exactly these issues.
How our scorecard was developed
- Michelle Lensink, Liberal Party
- Nat Cook, Labor Party
- Tammy Franks and Robert Simms, The Greens
- Connie Bonaros, SA-BEST
- Frances Bedford, Independent
- Geoff Brock, Independent
- Fraser Ellis, Independent
- Dan Cregan, Independent.
We wrote to all major parties and a range of key independents to seek their committments to actioning our community’s Vision.
Our scorecard is our independent analysis of their responses.
About our campaign
In 2021 we surveyed 623 LGBTIQA+ South Australians and their allies in partnership with our friends at Equality Australia to develop our communities Vision for SA Pride 2030.
The Vision calls on our political leaders to reinstate the pride of South Australia by creating a healthy, safety and inclusive community for LGBTIQA+ South Australians.
The Vision was supported widely by LGBTIQA+ South Australians and their allies who Pledged their Pride calling on political leaders to:
- protect the equality and safety of LGBTIQA+ people under the law
- improve the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ people
- include and support LGBTIQA+ people in our education systems
- represent and lead for LGBTIQA+ communities.
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About our election advocacy
SA Rainbow Advocacy Alliance is a non-partisan charity that advocates, informs and educates for a LGBTIQA+ inclusive, healthy and safe South Australia. We do not support or oppose a particular party or candidate. Our purpose is to assess, compare and inform our communities about the policies of political parties and candidates as they relate to the healthy, safety and inclusion of LGBTIQA+ South Australians.
Authorised by Kelly Vincent for the South Australian Rainbow Alliance Inc, 64C Woodville Rd Woodville SA 5011.